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I'm grateful for you!


I want to start off by apologizing for writing to you later than I usually do. This week has been a difficult one. I am sick, taking care of myself and hoping to be better soon. 

During this "down" time I was thinking about how grateful I am to all of you who read the newsletters that are sent out. I've received many responses from you and that is very encouraging. I've also had some very insightful and amazing email conversations with you.   

If there are any topics that you'd like me to tackle, feel free to respond to this email with them and I'll tackle that topic in an upcoming newsletter.  

I hope that you are doing well and thawing from the winter season we just had and are looking forward to the new-ness of spring. 

Nature vs. City

Not so long ago I drew and cut this piece and I'm really proud of it. There is a lot of detail and time that went into it.  What kind of person do you feel like you are, nature or a city person? 

Jeffy Thomas